Saturday, 15 November 2014

How to play soccer

1. You are not aloud to touch the ball

2. Only one person in your team can touch the ball and that is the goalie. 

3. No pushing or kicking each others.

4. You have to try and score a goal.

5. You have to throw it in not kick it in.

6. The goal keeper can not pick the ball up out side of the box.

7.Have fun and try not to cheat.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Haunted House

crack the door waved open.I walked down the wooden stairs as I walked screeching noises haunted the house.Doors slamming floor boards Snaping. The mossy planks with rusty nails sticking out of the boards. Old flies that have rotted seeing some old washing on the floor heading up the stairs smelling the rotten rats in the master bedroom blood tails into the kids room seeing the scary monster not long ahead smelling the hot soup running out the door seeing lot of other monsters  getting picked up feeling slime running down my neck as I am being droped into a hole ...

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

The icy cold river

wading down into the icy cold river. hearing my my friend saying come on you are just about over the other side. Im there where are they under that bush !!WHERE!!.looking under the fern seeing no sign of the ducklings where could they be i said to my self. maybe they traveled down the river. Pain struck my head like a lightening bolt motoring back over the river. Better luck next time.